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About the Book
This handbook is organized around dimensional design topics rather than vertical industry, so you can find what you need when you need it.
Architecture-neutral, the book’s practical advice can be put to use in any type of data warehouse, including those advocated by W.H. Inmon and Ralph Kimball.
For each design topic, coverage runs deep. You will learn best practices along with the reasons behind them. Each concept is explained through real-world examples. There are over 175 illustrations, including example design diagrams and data instance charts.
The book explains the impact of design choices on BI and ETL processes, and explores situations where you may wish to deviate from best practices.
It provides a comprehensive set of design tasks and deliverables that can be incorporated into any project, regardless of architecture, scope or methodology.
To learn more, see the FAQ.
Contents of the Book
Coverage beings with fundamentals, then follows a logical progression through advanced topics that address real-world complexity. Beginners can read it cover-to-cover, while experts can jump straight to topics of interest.
The book's eighteen chapters are divided into six parts:
Part I: Fundamentals
1. Analytic Databases and Dimensional Design
2. Data Warehouse Architectures
3. Stars and Cubes
Part II: Multiple Stars
4. A Fact Table for Each Process
5. Conformed Dimensions
Part III: Dimension Design
6. More On Dimension Tables
7. Hierarchies and Snowflakes
8. More Slow Change Techniques
9. Multi-Valued Dimensions and Bridges
10. Recursive Hierarchies and Bridges
Part IV: Fact Table Design
11. Transactions, Snapshots and Accumulating Snapshots
12. Factless Fact Tables
13. Type-Specific Stars
Part V: Performance
14. Derived Schemas
15. Aggregates
Part VI: Tools and Documentation
16. Design and Business Intelligence
17. Design and ETL
18. How to Design and Document a Dimensional Model
How to Order
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For more info, visit the FAQ on the book.
Star Schema: The Complete Reference
By Christopher Adamson
ISBN 0071744320 / 9780071744324
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
486 pages
Also available as eBook