Q: In your perspective, when does a star schema start to be a snowflake? If you have a snowflaked dimension, do you consider the model a star-schema? Or if you have for example an outrigger, is the model not a star-schema anymore?
Pedro in Portugal
I think the question when does a star become a snowflake is really one of semantics, but I'll give an answer.
Readers who just want to know when to use snowflake designs can skip ahead a couple of paragraphs.
Is it a Star or Snowflake?
As I said, this is really a semantic issue, but here is my answer. When dimension tables are linked to other dimension tables, or to anything that is not a fact table, the design is a snowflake.
The presence of an outrigger indicates a snowflake design, and so does a 3NF dimension containing 45 tables (and yes, I have seen that!).
Is a snowflake a star? I don't have a good answer for this. When I discuss design options with colleagues, we think of it as an either/or choice. But when a design is complete, we refer to each fact table and its dimensions as a "star," even if there are outriggers.
One thing I am sure of is that both types of design are dimensional designs. (So is a cube, by the way.)
Thanks to Pedro for the question. Now I'm going to talk a bit more about snowflakes, for those who are interested.
When in doubt, don't snowflake
Best practices dictate that snowflakes should be avoided. The reasons for this are wholly pragmatic.
- They increase ETL complexity
- The increase query complexity, harming "usability"
- They reduce the understandability of the model
When snowflaking is acceptable
There are some cases the guideline against snowflaking may be relaxed.
- Judicious use of outriggers may be acceptable in limited cases where there are relationships between dimensions that must be browsable. But consider a factless fact table.
- Outriggers are necessary when there are repeating attributes such as a product with multiple features or a patient with multiple diagnoses.
- Outriggers are helpful in situations where there is a recursive hierarchy such as departments that contain other departments, or regions that contain other regions.
- Snowflaking may be justified when your software products require it. (e.g. your DBMS or reporting tool.)
Read more, and help support this blog:
I devote many pages to snowflake designs in Star Schema The Complete Reference
- Chapter 7 discusses snowflakes and hierarchies, and has an in-depth discussion of some of the issues touched on in this post.
- Chapter 9 discusses the use of outriggers and bridge tables to capture repeating dimensions or attributes.
- Chapter 10 shows how you can use a bridged design to support a recursive relationship to very powerful effect.
- Chapter 16 looks at some of the implications of the star vs. snowflake decision on your BI software
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